Saturday, May 31, 2008


The story about Kafti Bird, the fragments of which you can find in our website, allegedly comes from Armenia. At least so says the book called “The stories of the nations of the Soviet Union”, a unique edition from 1977. It's a story about the king who built a beautiful and enormous palace, however he found out that something - and that was the Kafti Bird - was missing in it... The king sent out his sons to find the bird and deliever it to the Palace.

The bird was only found by the youngest son (of course!) – however the story doesn’t say whether he delievered the bird to the palace or not. A lot have happened on his way and that, we can assume, changed his attitude towards life and also towards the Palace...

For us ‘Kafti’ became a symbol of the idea or concept. In the childhood, in our ‘early artistic endavours’ we often used to refer to this comparision: if the thing is missing something, we used to say that it was missing Kafti Bird.

Kafti Bird went forgotten for years, to re-appear only a couple of months ago in Kafti Design activities.

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